005 | Spiritual But Not Religious

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Spiritual But Not Religious

As a psychologist, I need to be culturally sensitive. When sitting down with people, I learn about their spiritual beliefs because they are an essential part of an individual's life. A common thing I hear in my practice is, "I am spiritual, not religious." But what does that mean? Many studies show the benefits of leading a religious life, so why are people moving away from Christianity and choosing to be spiritual instead? 

Today, I discuss what being spiritual means to people I meet and the reasons that have made them move away from Christianity. I share the many stories I hear about what it is in the Christian faith that causes people not to want to be part of it. I explain why the misunderstanding and misconceptions about being a "good Christian" and following the faith disciplines often drive people away. I also talk about how you can adopt Christian practices in your every day and how moving towards religion, rather than away from it, can truly benefit you in your life.

“Oftentimes, people have just not had good examples of professing Christians.”
- Martin Fletcher

This week on Shepherd & the Shrink:

  • What does it mean to people to be spiritual?

  • What I hear from people that makes them say they are spiritual, not religious

  • Why the people I have spoken to choose to reject Christianity

  • How the “rules” of the Church affect the way people feel about religion

  • How American culture affects the way the Gospel is presented and perceived

  • The disciplines and practices of Christianity that lead to transformation

  • How simplicity can bring peace

  • How you can use gratitude to bring you closer to Christian practices

  • Why being religious doesn’t mean you have to be Christ-like

  • Why people resist the path of Christianity

  • How the misunderstanding about following Christian disciplines makes people reject the Church

  • How true Christianity can benefit your life

Bringing Mental Health and Spirituality Together

Thanks for tuning into this week’s episode of Shepherd & the Shrink Podcast with your hosts Dr. Matt Hook and Dr. Martin Fletcher, the show where theology meets psychology. If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe and leave a review wherever you get your podcasts.

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