Is Your Child Refusing Therapy?
Parents Only Program (POP)
Supporting You To Help Them
Parent-directed Therapy
Family Breakup
Behavioral Issues
Believe it or not…. some kids just don’t want to go to therapy!
More times than not unfortunately. So you’re not alone.
If your child or teen is experiencing a behavioral or emotional concern, it can be difficult to know how to respond.
You may find that some strategies work well, while at other times, you may feel that nothing you do or say seems to work.
If you find yourself in a situation where your child or teen may not be willing to attend therapy there is good news.
Research has shown that parent-directed therapy is as effective as individual therapy with children for anxiety and behavioral issues.
The goal of POP is to equip you with a clear plan of action, including strategies that have been proven effective.
POP gives you the tools to help your child or teen manage current challenges.
The Parent Only Program is a good fit for any parent/care giver of a child/teen experiencing anxiety, depression, behavioral issues, or school concerns.